Thursday, December 13, 2007

MY SON, the comedian

Let me preface this by giving a little bit of a warning.  I write this completely as an examples of Holden's quick wit.  It will include no offensive language, but will infer it to be spoken--even though it was never spoken as part of the conversation.  With that...please read on....

Last week Holden was really sick.  It was my first experience with a sick child.  He ran a fever for 5 days.  I took Holden to the doctor, and it was a memory I won't soon forget.

The doctor was talking about the antibiotic she was going to write for Holden.  Holden politely interrupted and asked if she would write it for a pill, not a liquid.  "I don't like the taste," he said.  Our doctor was more than willing to do that for him.  When she left the room, I jokingly said something that I learned from a dear teacher I used to work with.  "Holden, you get what you get and you don't have a fit."

Holden looked at me, then turned away, and said, "I won't have a fit, but it will taste like...."  
And he STOPPED TALKING!!!  He did NOT complete the sentence.  I was shocked!!! "HOLDEN JAMES!" I exclaimed like any good mother would.  But then I couldn't help it.  I about died laughing!  

Holden said, "Mom!  I was not going to say that!  I can't believe you'd think that!"  And just smiled while I laughed.  

He was so quick with his response!!!  I have to admit--I was impressed!!  


Krista Sanders said...

Quick is all I can think of to say!!

Anonymous said...

haha what a funny little guy you have...
Hope he is feeling better soon