Sunday, June 1, 2008

Lord Holden Ivy

Friday  night, Jason and I surprised Holden with a trip to Medieval Times to celebrate his TAKS scores!!!

Fourth grade students in Texas are required to take 3 tests.  Reading, Math and Writing.

Our son received 100% on ALL THREE tests!!!  That is a huge accomplishment!!!  We are so proud!!!

Holden was knighted by the king and had a blast!!!
Click on the pictures and you can see them much better!!!


MusWriter said...

Wow! that is so cool.
Man i got my Taks scores and i missed everything (MAth, Reading, and Writing) by 1 point. So it was 99,99,99

oh well life isn't always 110% fair.

But i am in 7th grade that was prettey difficult.

Nice blog!
Come and visit sometime.

Anonymous said...

Holden we are so proud of you. It is just fantastic that you did so good with the tests. Your scores were outstanding. we love you .... Nana and Papa

Krista Sanders said...

SUCH A BIG DEAL!!!!!!! Way to go, Holden!!!