As my summer vacation comes to an end, I am sitting here thinking about the wonderful life I am living. I look around at my house, my car, my clothes, my health, my family, my church family, my friends. You have truly blessed me! The grace and mercy you have given me blow me away!!!
Four years and two months ago, you introduced me to a sweet man. We met at Chili's for dinner. We are the perfect example of how first impressions are not always lasting impressions. I saw the big gap. He heard a lady who was too stern and set in her ways for his tastes. But, thank you Lord, for opening our hearts to giving it another try. I thank you for this man's strength to tell me a few months later that it wasn't working out. I thank you for working in my heart and teaching me that it was my job to rest in you and honor this man. Once I stepped back and allowed that to happen, the rest was history. You brought this man back to me and opened both of us up to love (after I watched all six of the Star Wars movies of course)!
Almost three and a half years ago, I married this sweet man. Lord, you created our marriage. Our marriage covenant has made us one. Is it perfect? Absolutely not. But we long to be grounded in your Word. We both have the same hopes and dreams for our family. So when a disagreement arises and my stubborness and pride get in the way, I know that my sweet husband will go to you in prayer and ask you to soften my heart. What a struggle I have sometimes, but thank you, LORD, for teaching me submission.
Submission is often perceived as a negative thing in the world. But your Word and my dear friends that have mentored me have taught me that submission is a gift!!! It is my release. The way that I can follow your command of not worrying. It is my job to submit to this man, and his job to submit to you! I lift my submission up to you Lord. I want to be his helper! I want to build him up for the world to see what an amazing man you have designed just for me!
Thank you for giving this man so many amazing qualities. The first of which is an unconditional and unwavering love for his son. His respect for his mother and grandmother showed me that he would treat a lady like a lady.
You also created in him a work ethic that surpasses many. As long as we have been together, this man has been respected at in the workplace. When he is at work, he focuses on the task and works inside and outside the box to make things happen to please the customer and his collegues. His ability to process and problem solve has always amazed me.
His communication skills are exceptional! The first time we ever spoke on the phone, I loved his voice. It was so warm and friendly. When he would answer the phone at work, I must admit, he sounded sexy. Even today, I love to listen to the messages he leaves on my voicemail. So tender and loving. Even in the midst of a storm, he is able to keep his cool and talk in a voice that is calm (unless of course I push him over the edge - which I have been known to do). Thank you, God, for forgiveness.
Thank you for the temperment you created in him. You created a man that is grounded and calm for a woman with an excitable and energetic personality. But you created us to balance each other.
We have so much fun together. Thank you for creating a man that can make me laugh. We love to sit on the couch together and watch our favorite television shows. Some so simple, but yet that time is special to both of us.
Thank you for creating my perfect opposite in so many ways. The introvert and the extrovert. The public speaker and the sit-in-the-back-of-the-room and not be noticed. The one who never met a stranger and the one who is content staying at home. But the most important thing that will never be an opposite for us is our love of you! We both love you! We both believe you! We both want to follow you! We both want to be like you! So all the opposites, they don't matter to me. They make me love him more.
Thank you, Lord for my sweet man, Jason Ray Ivy. You have made my cup overflow!
You have been richly blessed. Just bask in his love and he will see you though everything in his own timing not ours. You both are a living testimony of what a Godly Christian Marriage should be about. Kimberly
Beautiful. I am so thrilled for you -- in every way.
Oh My Goodness!!!!! THis wonderful Beautiful post is right from the pages of my heart! Raechelle, I want this kind of love so bad..... Thank you for your honest vulnerable post..... for you have truly given me a beautiful picture of what I pray for!. ( I will leave the name blank of course! hehe)
Love you!!!!! and Thank you for such a swweet example.
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