WOW what a whirlwind!!!! My surgery was 11 days ago. I can't even begin to explain all the emotions we have all been through. Excitement, fear, anxiety, exhaustion, laughter, frustration, gratefulness, confusion, and excitement again.
The morning of the surgery, I was very excited but so worried about my family. I didn't realize how scary it was for them. I felt very confident in my surgeon's skill and the outcome, but knowing they were so concerned made me want it to be over quickly.
The surgery did take 4 hours, and the doctor said I lost a lot of blood during the procedure. I had to be given blood which I did not expect. When I was taken into my hospital room, my first memory was being moved into the bed. OH MY GOODNESS!!! That was sooo painful!!! I remember saying, "Put it all back! I changed my mind!" But of course it was too late. My digestive system will never be the same again.
I spent 7 days and 6 nights in the hospital. This was a lot longer than anyone had expected also. I had problems with my blood counts and other levels. I just kept my morphine button close and tried to sleep as much as possible.
Jason spent the first couple of nights with me in the hospital. They are very serious about patients walking every 2-4 hours. Getting up was so painful! I thought my stomach was going to rip apart every time I tried to move. Once standing, it was just getting one foot in front of the other. The nurses cheered me on every time. After the first few days, Jason's back just couldn't handle sleeping on the fold out bed anymore, and Holden needed him at home.
The care I received in the hospital was great! But I must give extra thanks to Renee! Renee is the bariatric coordinator that is provided by the hospital. I met her in June when I started this process. She told me she would be there for me throughout the entire process. But that was an understatement! She stopped by the hospital every day I was there. She went above and beyond the second day I was in the hospital by coming back at 8:30 PM to give me a shower!!! This was just her servant heart showing!!! She should have been at home with her family at that late hour, but she put me first and spend time with me! I can't even begin to express my gratefulness to her! When she left, I felt almost normal again, even though I was still in major pain! Thank you Rene!
Seven days after my surgery, I finally got to come home!!! By that time, I was getting in and out of bed by myself. I have never had any problems drinking my fluids. Being home has been challenging, but has made me feel more independent.
Unfortunately the most comfortable place for me to sleep is in the guest room. I can prop up a whole bunch of pillows and sleep almost sitting up. The first night I was up every 90 minutes to go to the bathroom. I forgot to mention the most ironic part of the whole hospital experience. I gained 18 pounds while in the hospital!!! I weighed 232 the morning of the surgery and 250 when I got home!!! It was all the fluids and swelling. I lost 10 pounds in the first 24 hours. And yesterday, I reached my pre-surgery weight!
Today I know I have more fluids to lose, but I decided to do my measurements anyway.
Compared to where I was 4 weeks ago, I have lost a total of almost 9 inches!!!
Chest 46 inches -2
Waist 43 inches -1
Hips 54 inches -2
Upper Thigh 29 inches -2 (x2)
My weight is currently 230, but I don't want to use that as an official weight because I know there are still fluids and swelling to lose. But it still makes me so happy to know that all this pain is going to pay off!!!!
What is on your head girl? I'm glad you're home. I know this will be a long process but just remember all things are possible with God. I'll be praying for your strength.
Can't wait to hear updates. What a big move for you. Keep us posted how Dad is working.
:) Karen
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