Monday, July 7, 2008

The Tooth Fairy Must be Blonde

Holden is quickly losing his teeth!  Last week he lost two in one day.  Today he lost one more!  

We went to the dentist last week and saw the x-rays of his adult teeth quickly moving in to take over!  The tooth fairy is going to be tired of making trips to our house.

But I know you are wondering why I would call the tooth fairy "blonde".  Well last Wednesday we pulled a fast one on her, and she never saw it coming.  As Holden was rinsing his mouth out, after loosing his second tooth of the day, he dropped it down the drain!  He was so worried he wouldn't get his hard-earned money.  I told him not to worry about it that everything would work out.

I had to figure out a way to trick the Tooth Fairy!  What did I have around the house that looked like a tooth?  I thought maybe a kernel of popcorn, but it was too yellow.  Just as we were ready to tuck Holden in, I had an idea!!!  I went and got an almond and bit off the skin and shaped it into a small tooth!!  It was perfect!  

I took it in to Holden's room and told him I found his tooth!  He believed me!  When I told him it was an almond, he laughed and said she would know!!  I told him she was a "blonde" Tooth Fairy and wouldn't even know!!!  

When morning came, the "teeth" were gone, and Holden was $10 richer!


Sheri Ann said...

Actually, she's a redhead! HA!


Sheri Bell-Rehwoldt
Author, You Think It's Easy Being the Tooth Fairy?
12,000 copies sold!

Lori Garbarino said...

This is so precious! Great fast thinking tootse!


Unknown said...

That's awesome, youre a great mom! I also saw your AC is out.. gosh Im so sorry, are they coming to fix it soon!? You can come visit if oyu need to cool off. athough our AC is at 78.. Im really loathing getting the ac bill.

Krista Sanders said...

Okay- do we have the cheapest tooth fairy or what??? Ten Dollars??? Not one person mentioned the money-- do your tooth fairies leave that much?
Great post, R and great thinking!