Sunday, May 11, 2008

Mother's Day

Today was a perfect day!!!  This isn't going to be a fancy blog, but just a list of what we did to remember my second Mother's Day.

Jason, Holden and I got up this morning and went to a beautiful church service!

When we got home, Holden made chocolate chip cookies for MeeMaw and Granny.  They were yummy!!!  

I got to lay in bed and read my book for awhile and take a nice long nap while the boys played the guitars in the front room.  It was so peaceful!!!

When I woke up, the boys were playing Mario Kart Wii.  I got to play while my men grilled steaks in the backyard.  Jason made steaks, baked potatoes and corn on the cob!  It was sooo tasty!!!  

I got two amazing gifts!!!  Jason's bought me a digital picture frame.  I love it!!!  But I must say the best gift I received was from Holden!  He made a TIME magazine at school with me on the front cover!!!  It was bound together filled with short articles about ME!!!  It is something I will cherish FOREVER!!!!  

Right now, Jason and I are in the living room relaxing in the recliners watching Forrest Gump.  I can't even begin to explain how I feel about a perfect Sunday!  

Anyway....Thank you , Jesus, for the perfect Mother's Day!!! 


Anonymous said...

Glad you had a great day mama ;)


Krista Sanders said...

So so sweet. I want to see that magazine!!!!!!