Saturday, December 1, 2007

My Best Friend--The Rubber Band

November 28th is Teresa's birthday. This year I was laid up in bed with pneumonia and had to call her between naps to wish her a happy birthday. But Teresa's birthday is not what I want to share. I want to brag about her accomplishments.

On November 28th I was in the "Reading Room" again reading our devotional THE WORD FOR YOU TODAY. The title was "The Rubber Band Principle". It was immediately made me think of my dear friend, Teresa.

"All rubber bands work on the same principle---they must be stretched to be effective! Anybody who has ever achieved anything of note, has been stretched to their limit. There are no expectations. One of the most common mistakes is thinking that success in life is due to come genius or some 'special something-or-other' you don't possess. Get rid of that thinking! Success comes when you stretch to meet the challenge; failure comes when you shrink back from it. And stretching makes you vulnerable. When a rubber band is taut, it is much easier to break."

Teresa was not afraid to stretch. She did not shrink back from it, and she did not break!

In less than two weeks, my best friend will graduate from college!!! She didn't do it the easy way. (If there is an easy way). Not to downplay the work I put into college, but I had it easy. My father paid for each semester in cash, and I only had to work part-time with no other responsibilities. Teresa, on the other hand, is finishing her degree at the age of 34. Throughout her college experience, she has gotten married and had two beautiful children.

Teresa serves the Lord daily by keeping a beautiful home, loving her husband, and raising her children up to love Jesus.

I don't know how she has done it, but I have so much respect for my best friend.

Teresa, I love you like you were my own sister! I am so proud of you!

"Straining toward what is ahead, I press on toward the goal to win the prize."  Philippians 3:13-14


Anonymous said...

I love you my friend. Thank you for thinking of me. I couldn't do and can't do anything alone - With Christ I can do all things - as well as having loving, caring friends, like you, my best friend! Love you so much! Love, T

Anonymous said...

Wow ! I just love this post and I am so happy to hear that Teresa also share the same love for Christ! I havn't seen her in years, Say Hi for me. Does she have a blog?

Are you feeling any better? Are you getting so excited for your first Ivy Family Christmas.?

Luv, Lori