Holden and Andy

WOW! It is now Dec 27, and I am finally all alone again. Jason is at work, and Holden is over at a friend's house. Today I took Holden and his friend to Six Flags. My sweet boy experienced what "thrill" means in "thrill ride." I just wanted to hold him. That's all I am gonna say about that.
Let's go back to Christmas Eve. I wanted to get Holden's picture with Santa this year, so we got up early and were at the mall by 8:30 am. It was not crowded at all, so we didn't have to wait in line. Isn't he handsome?

Jason thought it would be great to let Holden fill my stocking this year. So I took Holden to Bath & Body Works and told him that bubble bath would be great. I asked the sales lady to help him pick out a fragrance, and I stepped back and let him shop. Then we went to Walgreens and I gave him $20 to get candy and stuff for the stocking. I stood at the end of the aisle and didn't look at what he was choosing. At one point he was on the other aisle and yelled, "Mom, they don't have Twix!" The best part was when he was paying and the total was $19.98!
We had told Holden that he could open one present on Christmas Eve. He got his own MP3 player. We didn't see much of him the rest of the night. He took a bath WITHOUT being told. And at 9:00 he came in and told us good night. He wanted to go to bed early so Christmas morning would come faster. He had informed me earlier in the day that Dad and I had to be in bed by 10:00 also.
Jason and I stayed up and took care of last minute Christmas preparations and plopped into bed around 11:00 (shhhhh don't tell Holden). It was so hard for me to sleep that night. I kept listening for Holden to get up and walk into the living room. Finally at 7:00 Christmas morning he stood at our bedroom door and asked, "Can we open presents now?" He looked so sweet standing there.
I missed Holden's first 8 Christmas mornings, but I plan on being there for at least the next 9--until he is an adult. Even then, I hope he will want to be home with Mom and Dad for Christmas mornings.