As I look back on our summer, I am thinking....Wow, that was so much better than last year! We are in our home and it was so much more relaxed.
I stepped out of my comfort zone this year by leading a women's Bible/book study at church. We read A Woman After God's Own Heart by Elizabeth George. I met the most amazing women who encouraged each other as wives and mothers. Thank you to my new friends.
Holden learned to ride a Rip-Stick! Nana and Papa bought him one early in the summer, and it is FUN! Anytime the temperature dropped below 90 degrees, Holden was outside riding it up and down the street. He is really good at it! I was so impressed!
We also began a season of dealing with fertility treatments. Jason and I have completed one unsuccessful attempt at intra-uterine insemination(IUI). We are beginning our second attempt this week. We know God has a plan for our family and adding a new addition. It has been a roller coaster of emotions. Especially for me. My sweet husband is my strong rock that I can cling to when I have doubt. He is hanging on to God's promises, so I hang on to him.
Holden will begin 5th grade tomorrow, and I will begin teaching 5th grade. We are both embarking on a new journey. I am very excited about beginning my school year in a new district and a new school. The team I will be working with has been fabulous! I am blessed to know that I am exactly where God wants me.
So as the LAST DAY comes to a close, we are ready. Holden's backpack is full, and my lesson plans have been emailed to my principal.
God, we give this new school year to you. You are in control!