When we moved into the house, Jason made it clear that we would begin our tithe at our new church almost immediately. I wanted to wait a few months until I was sure we could pay all of our bills first. But Jason took the lead and said he that there was nothing to wait for. The money belongs to God, and He gets his first.
So for the last few months with a half joyful and half worried heart, I have followed my husband's lead and given. Each paycheck, I watch my husband, with a FULLY joyful heart, write his check and give on Sunday mornings. I love that he has that faith, but my flesh still worries each time--just a little bit. Not Jason--he KNOWS God is in control. (I probably would have been standing next to Thomas asking to see the scars).
Well early this week, our electric bill arrived. It is $100 more than last month. My mind started worrying. I mean we are in Texas and it is June, so we knew it was coming but I still cringed! Jason said not to worry that it will all work out. Easy for him to say...I look at the checkbook each day and see the balance going lower and lower.
Finally two days ago, I mentioned my worries to Jason. My mind was really thinking that tithing would have to suffer this month. But before I could even voice my opinion, Jason made it clear that would not be an option. I secretly thought that I could skip writing my full check without telling him. I was worried about getting through the next week with gas, groceries, and sending Holden to camp with lots of junk food. Jason refused to worry and just to be faithful. He said again, "God's got it under control." It is really annoying sometimes....UNTIL I see the proof....which came yesterday.
Yesterday I got the email with our phone bill. It was ONLY $36!!! I knew something had to be wrong. Our phone bill contains the internet and satellite, so it is regularly over $150 a month! Why was it only $36??? I looked at the bill details and somehow I had over paid the month before!!! So the difference will more than make up for the increase in the electric bill! When I told Jason, he simply said, "I told you God was in control."
Jesus said in Revelation 3:15-16
"I know your deeds, that you are neither cold nor hot. I wish you were either one or the other! So because you are lukewarm--neither hot nor cold---I am about to spit you out of my mouth."
I confess that I am lukewarm in this area, but I am blessed to have a husband who is hot!