Thursday, December 25, 2008

Christmas 2008 Memories

There are only 2 more hours left of Christmas 2008.  Jason is in the living room watching a movie on his new Blu-Ray player, and Holden has just given us kisses and headed off to bed.  I am sitting at the kitchen table admiring my amazing family as we wind down for the evening.  The last two days have been a whirlwind of excitement.  

Christmas Eve began with a marathon of a last minute trip to Lowes and a day full of cooking and cleaning.  Holden and I worked together to make the house look nice for Jason's dad, Greg, and Angie's family.  And it looked fabulous!  Holden is such a great help around the house.  He is going to make a fabulous husband someday.  At one point during the day he said, "I'm so glad I have a mom."  I dropped what I was doing to give him a big hug and kiss.  I said, "Me too!"  What an angel!

Jason's dad was the first to arrive and filled our evening with stories.  We all ate too much food, the boys played video games, and the growns up sat around visiting.  As the family photographer, I spent my time snapping shots as often as possible.  This was our first Christmas in the house, so I jumped at the opportunity to be the hostess.  Even though it was hard work, it was worth every minute of it!  I loved having my family sitting in my living room laughing and talking.  

After everyone left, we promised Holden he could open one gift.  I gave him and Jason new pajama pants.  Holden's have Homer Simpson saying "I'M SO SMRT!"  Jason's have Dr. Pepper all over them.  I got some great pictures of them posing together, but I have been threatened with severe punishment if I post them anywhere online.  So just use your imagination.  Here is Holden with them pulled way up...they were too long!  

After we put Holden to bed, Jason and I did a few last minute things and crashed.  Before I fell asleep, I had a little talk with God.  The last few weeks I have spent time being sad and angry about not having a baby, but last night I spent time thanking him for my amazing husband and beautiful son.  I will always want to a baby, and I know those sad and angry feelings will return at some point, but right now, today, I am so thankful for the family I do have.  

I woke up this morning at 5:30 a.m. to Casey, our beloved cat, leaving us gifts all around the living room.  Cat puke for Christmas...woohoo.  I tried to go back to sleep and had just started to doze off when my precious husband reached over to hold me.  He told me Merry Christmas and wrapped his big arms around me.  What a way to wake up on Christmas morning.  I told him how much I loved him and dropped a few tears of happiness.  

At 7:00 the madness began!  Holden dug into his stocking and opened the box containing his 26" flat screen television.  Big gift for a little man!  He was very excited!  He ripped open all the other gifts between exclamations of delight!  He definitely hit the jackpot this year!  I always seem to go a little overboard.  I had to force myself to stop when it came to Jason this year.  There were so many things I wanted him to have.  It's a good thing his birthday is less than two months away, so I can finish shopping.  

After breakfast, I was able to get in a much needed nap!  Then we got ready to go over to Jason's mom's.  It was so much fun.  Again too much food, but so yummy!  After eating and opening gifts, the adults sat down to a game of Trivial Pursuit.  Men vs. Women.  Oh man did they kick out butts!  It wasn't even close!  But is was so fun!  

Now we are home again, with evidence of the fun all over the house!  Jason is still watching his movie, and Holden is sound asleep.  Tomorrow we begin a new adventure of welcoming a dear friend of mine and her family from New Zealand.  I can't wait to see them.

I can't believe sometimes how much God loves us.  He has truly blessed this family.  I know there were many times today that we all got caught up in "Christmas" and forgot the true meaning behind this day.  So I write this as a reminder to myself that today we celebrate the birth of our Savior, Jesus the Christ.  HAPPY BIRTHDAY JESUS!!!!!!

Wednesday, November 12, 2008


Tonight at church, I was picking up Holden from the children's department, and I was talking to a lady that was in my summer bible study.  She works with the children on Wednesday nights.  She saw Holden wave to me and asked if he was mine.  When I told her yes.....her response was "Oh he is such a GEM."  

What a feeling!!!    

Friday, October 17, 2008

"He looks just like you!"

That is the statement I heard at least a half a dozen times last night!  

Last night, I took Holden with me to our Fall Carnival at my new school!  We spent the first hour playing games and winning candy!  As we walked around, all the new teachers in my life got to meet Holden for the first time.  Most of them don't know that Jason and I have only been married for a year and a half.    They just know I am married with a 10 year old son.  

It was awesome to hear these words over and over.  "He looks just like you!"  Holden would just look at me and smile, and I would get that warm fuzzy feeling in my tummy!  I just smiled at them and said, "Yes, he does, but he has his daddy's blue eyes."  

In the car on the way home, Holden and I were talking about it.  Holden said, "Even though it is politically impossible."  I just chuckled and said, "No it isn't impossible.  It was all part of God's perfect plan."  Holden just sat in the back seat and agreed with me.  Then he asked me what if he didn't look anything like me.  I told him that wouldn't matter "you're still my son".

"I prayed for this child, and the LORD has granted me what I asked of him."    1 Samuel 1:27

Thursday, October 9, 2008

The Last 48 Hours

It is October.  That means the weather will start to get cooler.  Candy will sell by the ton in the stores.  We will mow our yards for the last time until April.  Plants and trees will start to lose their many shades of green.  Pumpkins will decorate the entryway of every grocery store.  People who are fashion conscious will start to put away their pinks and blues and bring out the browns and oranges.  I even put away my yellow summer bag/purse.  And last but not least, I come down with a pretty severe case of bronchitis!!  

This year is no different from all the rest.  Two weeks ago I started feeling it in my throat.  It slowly turned into the cough that has become all too familiar this time of year.  Unfortunately it doesn't go away.  It usually lasts several months.  For the last two years my bronchitis has turned into pneumonia.  Two years ago it was the week before Christmas, and I spent my first Christmas with Holden and Jason sicker than a dog!  Last year I woke up on Thanksgiving morning with a 103+ fever.  I didn't even get to go to dinner with the family.  It was very scary because I don't remember ever being so sick.  

So Monday and Tuesday as my cough progressed to a painful, almost-wanting-to-cry kinda cough, I knew I needed to go to the doctor.  I wanted a chest x-ray early to make sure we caught any pneumonia early.  Well, the doctor came back into to the room and said, "There is no pneumonia, but we did see two nodules on your lungs."  Okay, at this point Holden was sitting in the room with me doing his Math homework.  So how do I react to that in front of him?  I wasn't instantly freaked out, but I didn't quite understand what that meant.  The doctor said she wanted to get a CT scan to have them looked at more carefully. 

As soon as I could talk to Jason, I told him.  It didn't even dawn on me that he would start to worry.  I was talking to Teresa when Jason called me back and told me he was going to take the day off to go with me.  At first I thought, it is just another x-ray, you don't need to go with me.  But Jason had already made up his mind.  I think this is when I started to realize that this could be something serious.

Ok let me preface this with, my husband is absolutely the BEST husband in the world, but for the last 48 hours he was Super Husband!!!  Yesterday he cooked breakfast AND dinner for me!  While we were watching TV he rubbed my back, and I actually fell asleep in my husband's arms!  Which I have to say, would be Jason's preference every night, but I am a don't-touch-me-while-I-sleep kinda girl.  

Last night, I did the thing you should NEVER do when you have a medical scare.  Read everything on the internet about the possibilities.  Of course, our biggest fear was the "C" word.  I have to honestly say, I  knew that no matter what it would be okay.  God gave me a peace that I didn't quite understand.   

Today the doctor called me today and it is not "C".    Just a couple of granulomas.  Something about a dust particle and a wall of tissue to prevent the dust from getting further into my lungs.  There is no need for any follow up treatments or anything.  

As I read everything that I just doesn't do justice to the experience Jason and I have had the last two days, but ....what a roller coaster ride!   What did I learn?  That I have the most wonderful husband in the world!  I love this man more than I could possibly explain in words in a blog.  And even better...he loves me too!!!! 

Sunday, August 24, 2008

Last Day/First Day

It is hard to believe that today was the LAST DAY of our summer vacation.  I spent the day at church, taking a nap, grocery shopping, and madly trying to make sure my lesson plans were in order for the FIRST DAY  of school.  

As I look back on our summer, I am thinking....Wow, that was so much better than last year!  We are in our home and it was so much more relaxed.  

I stepped out of my comfort zone this year by leading a women's Bible/book study at church.  We read A Woman After God's Own Heart by Elizabeth George.  I met the most amazing women who encouraged each other as wives and  mothers.  Thank you to my new friends.

Holden learned to ride a Rip-Stick!  Nana and Papa bought him one early in the summer, and it is FUN!  Anytime the temperature  dropped below 90 degrees, Holden was outside riding it up and down the street.  He is really good at it!  I was so impressed!  

We also began a season of dealing with fertility treatments.  Jason and I have completed one unsuccessful attempt at intra-uterine insemination(IUI).  We are beginning our second attempt this week.  We know God has a plan for our family and adding a new addition.  It has been a roller coaster of emotions.  Especially for me.  My sweet husband is my strong rock that I can cling to when I have doubt.  He is hanging on to God's promises, so I hang on to him.  

Holden will begin 5th grade tomorrow, and I will begin teaching 5th grade.  We are both embarking on a new journey.  I am very excited about beginning my school year in a new district and a new school.  The team I will be working with has been fabulous!  I am blessed to know that I am exactly where God wants me.  

So as the LAST DAY  comes to a close, we are ready.  Holden's backpack is full, and my lesson plans have been emailed to my principal.  

God, we give this new school year to you.  You are in control!

Monday, July 7, 2008

The Tooth Fairy Must be Blonde

Holden is quickly losing his teeth!  Last week he lost two in one day.  Today he lost one more!  

We went to the dentist last week and saw the x-rays of his adult teeth quickly moving in to take over!  The tooth fairy is going to be tired of making trips to our house.

But I know you are wondering why I would call the tooth fairy "blonde".  Well last Wednesday we pulled a fast one on her, and she never saw it coming.  As Holden was rinsing his mouth out, after loosing his second tooth of the day, he dropped it down the drain!  He was so worried he wouldn't get his hard-earned money.  I told him not to worry about it that everything would work out.

I had to figure out a way to trick the Tooth Fairy!  What did I have around the house that looked like a tooth?  I thought maybe a kernel of popcorn, but it was too yellow.  Just as we were ready to tuck Holden in, I had an idea!!!  I went and got an almond and bit off the skin and shaped it into a small tooth!!  It was perfect!  

I took it in to Holden's room and told him I found his tooth!  He believed me!  When I told him it was an almond, he laughed and said she would know!!  I told him she was a "blonde" Tooth Fairy and wouldn't even know!!!  

When morning came, the "teeth" were gone, and Holden was $10 richer!

Saturday, June 21, 2008

I Have So Little Faith Sometimes

It is a good thing my husband has enough faith for both of us!

When we moved into the house, Jason made it clear that we would begin our tithe at our new church almost immediately.  I wanted to wait a few months until I was sure we could pay all of our bills first.   But Jason took the lead and said he that there was nothing to wait for.  The money belongs to God, and He gets his first.

So for the last few months with a half joyful and half worried heart, I have followed my husband's lead and given.  Each paycheck, I watch my husband, with a FULLY joyful heart, write his check and give on Sunday mornings.  I love that he has that faith, but my flesh still worries each time--just a little bit.  Not Jason--he KNOWS God is in control.  (I probably would have been standing next to Thomas asking to see the scars).  

Well early this week, our electric bill arrived.  It is $100 more than last month.  My mind started worrying.  I mean we are in Texas and it is June, so we knew it was coming but I still cringed!  Jason said not to worry that it will all work out.  Easy for him to say...I look at the checkbook each day and see the balance going lower and lower.  

Finally two days ago, I mentioned my worries to Jason.  My mind was really thinking that tithing would have to suffer this month.  But before I could even voice my opinion, Jason made it clear that would not be an option.  I secretly thought that I could skip writing my full check without telling him.  I was worried about getting through the next week with gas, groceries, and sending Holden to camp with lots of junk food.  Jason refused to worry and just to be faithful.  He said again, "God's got it under control."  It is really annoying sometimes....UNTIL I see the proof....which came yesterday.

Yesterday I got the email with our phone bill.  It was ONLY $36!!!  I knew something had to be wrong.  Our phone bill contains the internet and satellite, so it is regularly over $150 a month!  Why was it only $36???  I looked at the bill details and somehow I had over paid the month before!!!  So the difference will more than make up for the increase in the electric bill!  When I told Jason, he simply said, "I told you God was in control."    

Jesus said in Revelation 3:15-16
"I know your deeds, that you are neither cold nor hot.  I wish you were either one or the other!  So because you are lukewarm--neither hot nor cold---I am about to spit you out of my mouth."  

I confess that I am lukewarm in this area, but I am blessed to have a husband who is hot!  

Monday, June 16, 2008

Quick Car Quote

Last week on two different occasions, Holden and I were driving home, and out of the blue, he told me I have a pretty smile.  
I am writing this not to brag on the beauty of my smile  :)  but just to have it documented so I don't ever forget my sweet boy's compliment.

Summer 2008--Part 1

Holden got a new toy today from Nana.  It is called a Ripstick.
The newest form of a skateboard with only two wheels!!  
Tomorrow we are gonna go out and make his first attempt at making it go.  He has knee and elbow pads and wrist guard, and he knows he looks so cool when he has it all on.

As we begin our second week of summer vacation, we are really having a good time!  Things are going very smoothly.  Last week Holden went to baseball camp at the high school, and next week he goes to church camp for the whole week!!!  Last year he was only gone for 3 nights.  Last year when he went to camp he was so excited, but this year I don't think it has sunk in yet that he is leaving next week.  I am so excited for him!  

We are not going to go on a big family vacation this year, but we are going to enjoy our new home!  This summer is much easier on Holden because he isn't cramped in a little apartment with just me for three months.  He has Travis across the street, and he has made some really good friends at church!  I couldn't be happier about how he has adjusted to our new life in our new home.  

There are all kinds of fabulous changes going on for our family.  Jason has gotten a much earned promotion!  (I told you he has an amazing work ethic!)  I have accepted a teaching position MUCH closer to home!  I will be teaching 5th grade next year.  I am excited about being home earlier for Holden next year.  

I am also going to facilitate a women's bible study this summer.  I am excited about reading a book by Elizabeth George  A Woman After God's Own Heart.  I am definitely no expert in this area, but knew that I would be held accountable if I am meeting with women weekly to discuss the book!  I knew God is going to do BIG things through this opportunity.  I can't wait to meet new women from church!

I will update our summer as the weeks go by....Stay Tuned!!1

Sunday, June 1, 2008

Lord Holden Ivy

Friday  night, Jason and I surprised Holden with a trip to Medieval Times to celebrate his TAKS scores!!!

Fourth grade students in Texas are required to take 3 tests.  Reading, Math and Writing.

Our son received 100% on ALL THREE tests!!!  That is a huge accomplishment!!!  We are so proud!!!

Holden was knighted by the king and had a blast!!!
Click on the pictures and you can see them much better!!!

Sunday, May 11, 2008

Mother's Day

Today was a perfect day!!!  This isn't going to be a fancy blog, but just a list of what we did to remember my second Mother's Day.

Jason, Holden and I got up this morning and went to a beautiful church service!

When we got home, Holden made chocolate chip cookies for MeeMaw and Granny.  They were yummy!!!  

I got to lay in bed and read my book for awhile and take a nice long nap while the boys played the guitars in the front room.  It was so peaceful!!!

When I woke up, the boys were playing Mario Kart Wii.  I got to play while my men grilled steaks in the backyard.  Jason made steaks, baked potatoes and corn on the cob!  It was sooo tasty!!!  

I got two amazing gifts!!!  Jason's bought me a digital picture frame.  I love it!!!  But I must say the best gift I received was from Holden!  He made a TIME magazine at school with me on the front cover!!!  It was bound together filled with short articles about ME!!!  It is something I will cherish FOREVER!!!!  

Right now, Jason and I are in the living room relaxing in the recliners watching Forrest Gump.  I can't even begin to explain how I feel about a perfect Sunday!  

Anyway....Thank you , Jesus, for the perfect Mother's Day!!! 

Tuesday, April 8, 2008

My son is TEN!!!

I just left Holden's room & tucking him in for the night.  I wonder how many more years he will want us to tuck him in?  

Today our son turned 10.  Seems like only yesterday he was 8.  haha

When I met my sweet boy he was 8 years old.  I remember that first meeting like it was yesterday.  

Jason and Holden met me at the movies to see CARS, then we went out to lunch.  Holden wanted to ride in the car with me from the movies to the restaurant.  I thought Jason was crazy to send his son with someone he had only met twice, but I knew I wasn't a crazy maniac.  Holden was very pleasant, and I enjoyed our short conversation on the way to Red Robin.  That summer, I spent quite a bit of time with Holden.  Swimming, eating out, and just hanging out.

Little did I know that less than a year later, that young man would be escorting me down the aisle to his father.  And I would become his mother.  What an honor!  

I have made many mistakes in the last 13 months, but my love for my little man hasn't change.  He is MY son, and I am so proud of the young man he is becoming.  He has grown so much in the short time we have been together.  Physically, mentally, emotionally, and spiritually.  

A few months ago, I shared this promise from God's Word with Holden--

"For I know the plans I have for you", declares the LORD, "plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you a hope and a future."   Jeremiah 29:11

I don't know what those plans are.  Jason doesn't know what those plans are, and neither does Holden.  But we don't need to know.  God knows!  What we do know is that it will be special!  I truly believe that God is gonna use Holden is a BIG way!  

Friday, April 4, 2008

Trusting HIM

"Trust in the LORD with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding."  Proverbs 3:5

I memorized that verse when I was in Junior High at Hume Lake.  It was the last week of June every summer.  The week I looked forward to all year long.  But this verse has stuck with me for the last 25+ years.  Today it is more meaningful to me than ever.

A week ago today I got a call from my doctor's office.  My blood work revealed that I am not ovulating.  This medically explains why we have not gotten pregnant yet.  

As devastated as I was, I know that there is a bigger explanation.  Bigger than any medical tests can prove.  It is very hasn't been God's plan for us yet.  As hard as that is...I don't think before now we were really prepared.  Is anyone ever really prepared?  But we didn't have a room for a baby.  Now that we are in the house we have a room.  That is important, but that doesn't necessarily mean that God will say, "We'll that's all I was waiting for.  Here's your baby."  :)

But now we are seriously going to start steps to solve any medical issues.  A year ago, my doctor told me to give it a year and if I wasn't pregnant to come back for some tests.  I began those tests a little over two weeks ago.  I am proud to say, my sweet hubby is completely healthy.  I never imagined it would be me.  

The current issue we face can be easily solved with the right medication.  I started taking Clomid on Tuesday.  I have another test today.  We are praying that there is nothing else "in the way" (literally),  but as we go through this I am trusting that Jesus has the perfect plan for our family.  He is in control.  

Yesterday Holden and I were leaving to go get stuff for his birthday party, and he saw me take the pill.  He asked me what it was for.  Jason and I believe that we need to be totally honest with him, so I explained to him in the simplest way I knew how.  He seemed a little concerned and asked if I would have to have surgery.  I told him that I didn't know much more about it other than the medications.  But I reminded him that God is in control and it will happen when God is ready.  I also told him that if having a baby isn't part of God's plan for our family, then we would still have him.  Then my sweet boy looked up and said, "Please God make it part of your plan."  

So as we all pray for a new miracle of life to show itself in our little home, I am going to continue to "Trust in the LORD with all my heart" and repeat Holden's prayer.  "Please God make it part of your plan."

Tuesday, April 1, 2008

My Husband's Work Ethic

Jason left this morning for his first business trip to Maryland. I am so proud of him!
Let me tell you about my husband's work ethic!

When he comes home from work he is exhausted because when he is at work, he is there 110%. He takes his responsibilites very seriously and is often the recipient of a complimentary email from a client or upper management. This week he has been chosen to go to the coorporate headquarters to be trained for something new. Jason said he is being treated like he is "someone important" instead of "just an escrow person". Well, my sweet husband, you are someone important and you deserve to be treated like it.

Jason is so good at being a people person! He knows how to talk to people in a tone that is never condescending and yet gets his point across. I can remember when I first met Jason, I used to love calling him at work because of his voice. I must admit--I thought it was rather "sexy". It still is. But my husband knows how to communicate with people. He knows how to make them feel comfortable and makes sure he has heard their concerns and tries his best to work with them until they are satisfied with the solution (even if it isn't what they originally thought they wanted the solution to be).

If there is a tough situation at work (or home), Jason is the peacemaker. I don't personally know everyone he works with, but I do know he is respected by everyone at work--even when he isn't doing the "popular" things. Jason is a man of integrity and makes sure that if he is at work, he is earning his paycheck every minute. He doesn't expect anything of anyone else if he isn't willing to do it himself.

Jason is not in management nor does he have a lead position right now, but he is still the man that people look to when a problem needs to be solved. I am so proud to be able to say, "He is my husband!"

I love you, Jason Ivy.

Wednesday, March 19, 2008

Our First Guests

Today we had our first house guests that weren't family. :)

Holden went to Andy's house to spend the night, and Andy and his mom came over to pick him up. Holden was very proud to show off his new rooms.

Then after they left, my friends Xandra and Sarah came over!!! I was so excited to get to show off my new home!!! Xandra arrived first with a beautiful Easter Lily in a yellow pot! It smells so yummy!! Sarah and Gwen arrived at exactly 12:44 (just as the GPS said she would)! Sarah brought us the coolest new address announcements on cardboard! I can't wait to send them out to my 10 favorite people. haha Just kidding!

We went out to lunch at Jimmy's Pizza in "downtown" Midlothian! It was so fun to have "girl-time"!!! We ate, made silly faces at Gwen, and then stopped at Dairy Queen on the way home for dessert!

It was so nice to sit at my kitchen table and visit with friends! We have officially decided we like not working and hanging out in the kitchen with the girls! I hope this will be just the first of many afternoons with friends in our home!
On Thursday and Friday, we had more guests! Elena brought Matthew and Alex over Thursday evening. The boys enjoyed playing. Alex wanted me to take the cats down from over the door frames. My aunt Dorothy came over on Friday. We ate cheesecake and visited.
It is so nice to have a home and to be hostess.

Saturday, March 15, 2008

Casey...My cat with the new personality

My sweet gray cat, Casey has changed a lot in the last week.

I knew that moving to the new house with Weasel wasn't going to happen.  I was tired of her hissing at Holden, and just being a little freaky cat.  She was the most lovable cat I have ever had, but she needed to go.  Luckily, I found a fabulous home for her last Friday night before we moved.  

Now Casey and Weasel have never gotten along, so it didn't surprise me that Casey didn't mourn the loss of the only other feline in the household.  She is now more talkative than ever!  She sleeps with us every night!  That was something she had not done since before Jason and I got married, when he took her "spot" on my other pillow.  Casey seems so much happier being an only cat, and I am glad I get to love on her more too.

One Week in our New Home

Well it is now Saturday, March 15 and we have been living in our house for officially one week!
And what a week it has been!!!!

Moving day went as smoothly as moving days can go.  We hired movers to come get the big stuff down the stairs for the first two hours!  It was worth every penny!  Jason's dad came over to help, and I am so glad he was there to be part of our move.  Holden thought riding in the big truck with his dad was cool.  I wish I would have thought to get a picture of them in the cab of the truck.  Once we arrived at our new home, the whole family came over to help us unload.  It was awesome!  Holden and Travis helped and threw around a mini football in the front yard!  It was so fun to watch them!

The coolest part of the day was when the Midlothian Police officer stopped by to introduce himself!!!  We were unloading the truck, and he waved and parked his patrol car in front of the house and got out.  He came into the garage and just wanted to say hello!  WOW!  This is truly the place for our family.  It was just another one of God's perfect confirmations that we are in the right place.

Sleeping in our house the first night was described by my dear friend, Xandra, as "WT".  Since we couldn't find the sheets for the beds, we just covered them with blankets and threw other blankets on top of us!  But we DID have pillowcases!!!  It was so quiet!  There was an occasional dog barking, but no cars or airplanes!

Sunday afternoon, Holden and his cousins played football in the backyard.  It was a beautiful day outside, so we had the windows open.  It was such an amazing sound!  I think that is my new favorite sound!  Holden and Travis have played outside at least once everyday that we have been home!  It is great to watch and listen to them together.  You must click on the pictures above to view them larger.  I love the happiness on the boys' faces.

The first few days were exhausting for all of us.  Tempers were on a very short fuse for all three Ivy's.  But with Jason, my husband with the patience of a saint, in the lead....we all survived!  Without him, I think Holden and I would have rung each other's necks.  :)  

Jason and I enrolled Holden in his new school on Monday morning in a school with no electricity due to a thunderstorm the night before.  After a week at his new school, I think he is settling in nicely.  His teacher says he talks a lot, but that isn't a surprise to us.  

The thunderstorm on our second night in the house was another special time.  Usually I am not fond of Holden coming in and getting in bed with us during storms because Jason and I are big enough filling a queen size bed...another body doesn't make it any more comfortable.  But once the storm started, Jason suggested he come sleep on the floor.  I told him where Holden's sleeping bag was so he went to get him.  Our sweet Holden was trying to be "tough" and stay in his room, but Daddy went and brought him into us.  It was kinda neat having him camping out in our room.

As the week has progressed we have each had our days of total exhaustion.  Luckily they have been spead out a little bit.  We have gotten several of our boxes unpacked and lots of fun things hung on the walls.  It is slowly but surely becoming our home.  Our new furniture was delivered the Thursday before we moved in, and it is PERFECT!!!  The sofa sectional is so comfortable and we can all get comfy on it with plenty of room to stretch out.  I LOVE eating at the table together for meals (even though we are still working out the routine and small details).  But the masterpiece of the entire house is the TV stand!!!  It is everyone's favorite, so I am including a picture.

Last night Holden and Travis had their first "slumber party" at our house!  We didn't tell them until the last minute that Travis could spend the night, and, goodness, were they excited!?!?!  I can't believe I didn't take a picture of them once they both fell asleep!  (I know, I am slacking).  I laid out a blanket on the floor and Holden's sleeping bag.  Travis camped out on the floor, and Holden slept in his bed.  Travis spent almost a full 24 hours with us.  The boys played video games, watched TV, played Monopoly, threw the football into the neighbor's yard, and we all went to the movies.  I love how they play together.  I am sure that was just the first of MANY "slumber parties".

Anyway, it is now almost 10:30 and both of my men are in bed snoring away.  Today was another day of unpacking, laughing, and few short fuses, but in the end - we are a family living in a home together forever!  Life isn't always perfect....and we don't "eat rainbows and poop butterflies", but we do love each other.  

You're going to have to go see "Horton Hears a Who" to understand that one.  :)

Sunday, March 2, 2008


Friday afternoon, February 29, 2008, Jason and I signed papers to buy our first home!!!  

The morning of the closing we went to the furniture store and picked out a kitchen table, a TV stand, and a sectional with ottoman.  They will be delivered on Thursday!  It will be so fabulous to have a new home with new furniture.  Neither one of us have ever had a house with really NICE furniture, so we are extra thrilled.  

We picked up Holden from school and headed to the walk through and Title office.  Janet and Keith were both at closing to make sure everything went smoothly.  Holden got his own little room to watch Shrek.  It was perfect.  We went in had a few cookies, signed our names 100 times, and we owned a house!

After signing everything we went down to the house and just enjoy being there.  Jason's mom and Granny came over.  We took down all our materials we needed to paint Holden's bedroom on Saturday.  It was such a long day, but worth every minute of it.

When I woke up Saturday  morning, I ran an idea I had over night about painting Holden's room.  it would be a challenge, but we decided we could at least give it a try!.  Holden and I went to Writing Camp at my school, and when we got home, Jason had been Superdad.  He had done a ton of work around the apartment.  He had carried a bunch of boxes down to the garage and taken our bed apart.  He went to Home Depot and bought himself a toolkit. 

We headed down to the house to tackle painting Holden's bedroom.  It doesn't look perfect, but it looks amazing!  We painted one full wall blue.  One the side walls, we used a laser to tape off a diagonal line from the top corner down to the bottom.  The line turned out FABULOUS!!!
I was amazed that we did such a great job on our first attempt at creative painting!!!

Jason hung up a really cool ceiling fan in Holden's bedroom.  It is the nicest ones in the entire house!!  It was so fun watching my husband with his tool belt on and being my Mr. Fix-it!  Being in an apartment our first year or marriage, I haven't gotten to watch my sweet man be "Tim the Tool Man".  It was really kinda hot!  haha  

Saturday night, Holden went to MeeMaw's to spend the night with his cousins.  Jason and I spent our first night together in our home!  It was really fun!  We used an air mattress and slept in the living room.  It was so quiet and dark!  No cars, no airplanes, no neighbors upstairs walking!  The wind started blowing and it blew through the chimney.  In the morning I stepped outside and could smell the cows from the dairy farm!  

Now we have 5 days to box everything up and have it ready to move Saturday  morning!  I can't wait to be out of our apartment and we spend our first night in the house together as a family!

Tuesday, February 26, 2008

Grace Day

"For it is by grace you have been saved, through faith--and this is not from yourselves, it is the gift of God."  Ephesians 2:8

Today when I picked up Holden from school, I wouldn't let him speak.  I was shushing him every time he tried to talk to me.  He eventually starting laughing at me, but played along.  When we got in the car, he asked when I would explain.  I told him he would know soon.  As we drove away from the school and headed in the opposite direction of home, he stayed silent while I just smiled and drove.  

"Mom, where are we going?"

We pulled into the parking lot of Chili's.  We sat down and Holden looked at me with questioning eyes.  I told him today was "I Love Holden Day" no matter what kind of a day you had at school.  Just because.  He asked if this was the grace we were talking about last night when we were working on his Power Card for church.  I smiled and said, "Yes my love, this is grace.  No matter what you have done today, I love you and want to have dessert with you and ruin our dinner."  
He said, "Well, I didn't get a check today."  I told him it didn't matter, but I was proud of him.

When the waitress came, I ordered us two molten chocolate cakes.  Holden's face lit up.  When the waitress left, he said, "Mom, I don't deserve this."  
And I was able to say, "I know.  None of us do, but we are loved anyway.    
I smiled at him, and he said, "Stop smiling at me like that.  You are making me feel weird and guilty."    
When he said that it made me think of how I will feel the day Jesus comes back and I stand before him, knowing I don't deserve His grace.  But He will give it to me anyway.  

It has been a long time since I have seen Holden that happy.  It almost reminded me of his face the day before and the day of our wedding a year ago.  Just a special day.  

You see, for the last week or so, Holden has been having a rough time at school.  Just speaking out and not making the best choices.  But I wanted to make sure he knew that no matter what happened at school today, eating dessert before dinner was not a reward...but just Grace.  Holden has dubbed today GRACE DAY.  

When we got home, Holden finished his homework and came in the kitchen to see what I was making.  I told him to go in his room and play and I would call him when it was time to eat.  He said, "But you said I can't play until after dinner."  I said, "It's Grace Day, right?  Go play."  Holden ran down the hall yelling, "I love Grace Day!!!"  

I love Grace Day too.  I hope Holden and I have many more Grace Days in our future.  

Wednesday, February 13, 2008

Quick Little Backseat Quote

Tonight after church, Holden and I stopped at Walgreens to get his teacher a Valentine.  I convinced him to get her Lindor Chocolates because they are soooooo yummy!!!
I got him one to taste in the car on the way home.  I told him to bite into it and let it melt in his mouth and just savor the creamy flavor.

He moaned and said, "If I had a nickel for every time I have ever tasted chocolate this good, I would have......a nickel."

I died laughing!!!  That was so awesome!!!  Thank you for making me laugh my sweet boy!!!

(Krista, thanks for the backseat idea!)

Tuesday, February 12, 2008

Run over by a truck named Weasel!!!

This morning at approx 5:45 am, as I lay sleeping soundly, my precious little feline, Weasel, was frightened by some unknown source. Next thing I knew she was running over my face at full speed. I screamed and said a word that "good girls" shouldn't say, Jason jumped up, and she flew through the air!

I immediately put my hands to my face. I was injured in the lip and above my eye. Jason told me to turn on the light. When I did, my hands were covered in blood.

Jason rushed me to the bathroom to clean me up. When all is said and done, I am covered with a dozen small scratches, a fat lip, and a swollen eye lid that is slightly black and blue, and there is blood on my favorite sheets!!!  

Click on the picture to get a close up of the full damage.

Jason also has a nasty scratch on his arm.

Our school nurse told me I needed to go to the doctor to get some antibiotics.  I listened but was not happy when I finally saw the doctor.  After getting a little chuckle out of my situation, she politely asked, "When was your last tetanus shot?"  EEK  I was afraid that would happen, but it wasn't as bad as I had expected.  The nurse who did the injection was great!

P.S. Anyone want a cat????

Sunday, February 10, 2008

Clear to Close!!!!!

Yesterday we got an email from our Loan Officer that we are CLEAR TO CLOSE!!!
All we have to do now is pack boxes and wait until February 29!!  EIGHTEEN DAYS!!!
I know that the time will fly by!!!  Between now and then, we will celebrate Valentine's Day and Jason's birthday!  
I am so excited about having our own home!!  

Thursday, January 31, 2008

Sure Do Love You, Uncle Boo

As the 4th grade Writing TAKS test gets closer and closer, I am working more intensely with my students daily on writing compositions.  
Today we wrote about someone that is special to us.  
I wrote about Uncle Boo.  You will find my example below:

    My Uncle Boo was one of the most giving and loving men that I have ever known. He wasn’t really my uncle, but he was my parent’s best friend, so we called him Uncle. His real name was Bill, but I couldn’t say that when I was a baby. I named him Boo. He was part of every family holiday and special event. I can’t remember a time he wasn’t there.
    Uncle Boo’s heart was a big as a football field. He loved my family as if we were his own. He took my brother and me fishing all the time. He had a boat named after me, Monkey Nose. We would all go out into the ocean on weekends and fish. I didn’t like the slimy scaly fish, but I loved being with my Uncle Boo.
    Uncle Boo worked at Disneyland for thirty years. He was an electrician in Tomorrowland. After school my mom would take my brother and me to Disneyland to meet him when he got off work. Uncle Boo would sign us in, and my brother and I would play at Disneyland all evening. To this day, I think of him every time I go to Disneyland. I wish he could be there with me riding “It’s A Small World”.
    Whenever I think of my Uncle Boo, I imagine him sitting at the kitchen table drinking coffee, eating chocolate, and working on a crossword puzzle. Uncle Boo loved chocolate. One year I bought him a five pound candy bar for Christmas. It was too big to even fit in his stocking. He ate it in less than 3 days!!! I have never seen anyone eat chocolate like him.
    The last time I spoke to my Uncle Boo was a Sunday in March 2001. The new California Adventure had just opened at Disneyland. My best friend, Teresa, and I were riding the brand new ferris wheel. We were at the very top, and I took out my cell phone and called my Uncle Boo. I told him I wished he was there riding with me. I also told him I loved him. The ferris wheel started to sway back and forth, and Teresa and I screamed and laughed. He laughed also and said to have fun.
    Two days later, my brother called to tell me that Uncle Boo had suddenly passed away. My heart was broken, but I was so thankful that the last time I spoke to my Uncle Boo was a happy time. I know that anytime I eat chocolate or go to Disneyland, my Uncle Boo will be watching and laughing from heaven.

I could continue to write forever, but I had to show my kids that it could be done in 2 pages.  But I did get to spend more time telling more stories about my precious Uncle Boo.  They were all on the edge of their seats while I told my tales.  

Sure do love you, Uncle Boo.

Saturday, January 26, 2008

Our new home

Well, after much discussion and lots of driving around.....we have found a home in Midlothian!!!
We will be living closer to family (maybe closer than they want us)  :)
We will be across the street from Angie and her family.
Holden is thrilled to have his cousins and the rest of the family so close!

It is definitely going to be a change for me, but I will love it!   
I go on Tuesday for the inspection.  I can't wait to see the inside again!
I am looking forward to setting up a real home for my family!
We will move in 52 weeks exactly from our wedding day!

Saturday, January 19, 2008

Things I Love About Holden.....

  • his sense of humor
  • his honesty
  • his obedience
  • his laughter
  • his eagerness to help
  • his language and vocabulary
  • his ability to express himself
  • his random thoughts
  • his blue eyes
  • his cool hair colors
  • his memory
  • his eagerness for Jesus
  • his empathy for the less fortunate
  • his protection of his friends
  • his communication with adults
  • his desire to help
  • his excitement for life
  • how he handles my moods
  • his talent for public speaking
  • his retention of information
  • his storytelling skills
  • his adorable baby pictures
  • his love for his daddy
  • when I watch him hugging Granny
  • his pleasing nature
  • the improvements he has made at school
  • the way he has adjusted to our new family
  • his imagination
  • his comic book he is creating
  • his patient attitude towards me
  • the way he always does his homework
  • his huge heart for his friends
  • his desire not to participate in inappropriate things
  • his excitement for spending time with his family
  • watching him play and talk to his family
  • his intelligence
  • his love of cuddling
  • his affectionate nature
  • his singing and performance voice
  • watching him dance
  • his memory of scripture
  • his love of reading
  • he is part of Jason

Sunday, January 13, 2008


Well, we signed a contract on a house tonight!!!
If all goes well, we will be homeowners the end of February!!!!!
Holden will not have to change schools, and we hope he will have new friends to play with in the neighborhood!!!!

UPDATE:  1/19/08
We have withdrawn our offer on this particular home.  We had intentions of putting Holden upstairs in the loft, thinking it could be used as a third bedroom, but there is no window.  So for fire safety concerns we need to find a true 3 bedroom.


Last week Jason and I started to discuss the possibility of buying a home.  Our lease is up in March, so if we want to purchase, we needed to start looking quickly.  We really wanted Holden to stay in the Grapevine-Colleyville ISD, but weren't sure we could afford any homes in the district.  After church on Sunday we decided to drive around the neighborhood of Holden's school.  There were several homes for sale with a few in our possible price range.

My dead friend, Janet, from church is a realtor, so I called her on Monday.  
We received our pre-approval letter the next day!  Jason and I started looking online for homes.  Janet took us out looking yesterday.  The first home we looked at was a duplex.  I wasn't sure about the idea of a duplex, but the price was right.  As soon as I walked in, I was impressed.  I immediately loved all the room and the floors!!  No carpet except on the stairs!!!  Which means, no constant scrubbing and cleaning up after cats when their food doesn't like their bellies.  

It slightly worried me that we loved the first house we looked at, but Jason and I agreed that this would be perfect for us.  We made an offer.  Now we wait.  Janet has told us that there is another offer on the table, but it looks promising.  I really want this home!
Let me chase a rabbit for a minute and tell you a little more about Janet.  I met Janet through our women's mentoring program at church probably 4 years ago.  Little did I know what a big part of my life she would become.  When I told her Jason had asked me to marry him, she was so excited for me and asked if she could help and do my flowers.  And what a gorgeous job she did!!!  Not only did she do my flowers, she made sure that every little detail I had overlooked or didn't even think of was done.  It is because of this godly woman that our wedding was as classy and beautiful as it was.  Now Janet is part of another huge step in our lives.  I know that Janet is in our corner praying for us.  Thank you, Janet!

Back to our possibilities:
Holden would be able to ride his bike or walk to school.  He would have friends in the neighborhood to play with and a backyard!  Did I mention the wooden deck in the backyard for BBQs???  

I know if it doesn't work out, God has something better for us, but I still can hope and pray that this is His best for us right now!!!!  

Tuesday, January 1, 2008

Christmas 2007 Memories

Just a note--you can click on any picture to see it larger!!!  :)

The first thing Holden did on Christmas morning was stand at our bedroom door and say, "Can we open presents now?"  Jason and I rolled out of bed, and Holden tried hard to be patient while Jason got his cup of coffee and we got situated in the living room.  Before opening presents, Holden and Jason read the Christmas story from Luke 2:1-20.  

Holden was ready to dig in to the presents as soon as we were finished.  He definitely made out this year!  He got several video games, books, a few clothes, and other goodies.  Santa brought him his Webkinz and Lego Star Wars Imperial Star Destroyer!!!  Jason bought me a beautiful watch and jeans--it meant the world to be that he went to an extra effort to get me exactly what I wanted.  I am a lucky lady.  I got Jason a 30th Anniversary Star Wars watch.  It is pretty awesome looking.  

After all the presents were open, we watched the Disney Christmas Parade.  I made breakfast and the boys started working on the Star Wars Lego set.  I played the Star Wars Lego Wii game with Holden a little while.  Jason thought my personal sound effects were funny.  It is fun swinging the lightsaber!  

After spending a couple of hours playing with all of the new stuff a little bit we got ready to head to MeeMaw's.  I couldn't wait to give her the Storybook I made for her of the three grandsons.  She loved it.

This was my second Christmas with Jason's family.  I love watching the boys get so excited.  Holden was beyond excited!  He got Guitar Hero III from MeeMaw, PawPa and Greg.  I knew that between him and Jason, our living room would never be the same!  
He definitely made out this year!  He also got several new games for his DS that he earned in November!!!  (Big Brain is my favorite--my brain is the biggest in our house).  Angie and her family got him his precious Zelda DS accessories box.  No one is allowed to touch it but him.  

After we finished opening presents, Holden looked and me and said, "I got everything I wanted!"  What a great thing to hear from your child because there was always that thought in my mind, "Oh I wish I would have gotten that" or "I forgot to get this", but Holden didn't miss anything.  He was thrilled with everything he got, even his new belt!

Having my own family for Christmas is such a treat.  Watching Holden open presents and listen to his excitement was so fun.  I still had to "be a mom" and tell him to "calm down" a few times and to "remember you are inside" and to "not be so loud".  But he was incredible to watch.  I know he won't be a child much longer, and I kept telling myself to leave him alone and let him be a kid on Christmas!  Jason sweetly reminded me a few times also.  :) 

My little embarrassing moment was when Jason's mom gave me a gift set of Britney Spears perfumes!!??!!  Even Jason's initial reaction was, "Why did she get you that??"  A few minutes later Glenna explained to everyone that she figured that the Spears girls are so fertile, maybe it would rub off on me!!!!  

The most precious gift Jason and I received was when we got in the car to go home and Holden said, "We have a great family!"  What a great thing to hear from your child!  I know that made Jason feel fabulous!  Jason has done everything in his power for almost 10 years to give Holden the best of everything, and I know that had to have touched him in a special way.  Holden deserves a great family!  We are gonna do everything we can to continue to give it to him!  Then Holden said, "This is the best Christmas I have ever had!"

I want to end this post with the funniest memory of the day--It happened as soon as we got home!  As we were walking up the stairs, somehow the question of whether we would have a baby for Christmas next year came up.  I told Holden it takes 9-10 months, so it was possible.  He said, "I know how it happens, Mom.  You guys just have to DO IT!"     Need I say anything else???   Out of the mouths of babes!!!!